The complete guide to the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus GateWorld Forum (2024)

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  • donnie_darko

    Chief Master Sergeant

    • May 2004
    • 200


      The complete guide to the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus

      Let’s do a system check on the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus, a previous version made by me on the Delphi forums but was incomplete. I have added more info and sources; beware of SPOILERS ranging from every season 1-7. If I am missing some information, need more elaboration or have gotten something wrong please post a reply.

      SPOILERS 1-7
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      SPOILERS 1-7

      "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
      of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
      Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
      because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
      of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
      another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

      -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


        • donnie_darko

          Chief Master Sergeant

          • May 2004
          • 200


            Power System:
            Naquadria Reactor - The main power system of the X303 uses the rare mineral isotope Naquadria a variant of Naquadah (521-Meridian,714-Fall Out), it produces a high power output but becomes very unstable and dangerous in proportion to the amount of power being produced (601-Redemption Part 1). The reactor can provide power to all systems running at full power. It is capable of powering the Hyperspace Window Generator (Hyperdrive) and is integrated with it, making the lost of the reactor the lost of faster than light travel. The reactor is modular in design and can eject in emergency cases. (611-Prometheus, 620-Memento)

            Buffer - A subsystem of the Naquadria reactor, used to manage power fluctuations. While capable of managing the power fluctuation of the reactor alone, with the added energy of an external source it can burn out. The buffer is not needed for the Naquadria reactor to function but is needed to prevent an uncontrolled chain reaction. (620-Memento)

            Reactor Control System - Using feedback controls, adjustments and active/passive safety system, the changes in temperature, reaction, pressure, and flow can be managed. Normal active/passive systems can manage small changes automatically and manual systems can handle large variation over time but a large variation in a short amount of time tends to damage the control system and without a buffer to release the excess power, this can lead to an uncontrolled chain reaction. (620-Memento)

            Naquadah Reactor(S) (?) - The auxiliary power system of the X303 using Naquadah, it produces a stable high power output under normal conditions. The reactor(S) can provide power to normal systems but not energy weapons, shields and Hyperdrive. The Naquadah reactor(S) has its own control system but does not seem to have a buffer system because it has a very stable power output. (305-Learning Curve, 409-Scorched Earth, 503-Ascension)

            Batteries/Reserve(S) (?) - The final power system of the X303 is series of batteries and capacitors. The batteries are kept charged and used when power fails or, as an extra boost is needed. The capacitors provide a quick store of energy for weapons and shields. Batteries tend to be lead acid but in cold temperatures they don't perform, well so regenerative fuel cells are most likely used. Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFC) use hydrogen and oxygen (air) to produce electricity, water, and heat. The water, with another energy source like thermal or solar energy, can then be can be broken back into hydrogen and oxygen and feedback into the cell. This cycle is better suited to space than any other battery. They also operate at a better temperature range than acid based cells, -20°C to 120°C temps.


            "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
            of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
            Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
            because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
            of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
            another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

            -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


            • donnie_darko

              Chief Master Sergeant

              • May 2004
              • 200


                Propulsion Systems:
                Hyperdrive - The main drive system of the X303, it allows the generation of a Hyperspace Window, a way of entering another space/time configuration (Subspace/Hyperspace). This is a point-to-point way of travel meaning that you can't turn and change course in mid-flight, you have to exit hyperspace to change direction. By using hyperspace, we can travel faster than light without traveling at faster than light speeds. In order to stay in hyperspace you need to create a continuous distortion field or you will reemerge into regular space/time (real space). The hyperdrive, based on our understanding of Goa'uld hyperdrive technology, is still crude compared to Goa'uld or Asgard designs. The hyperdrive has a buffer to manage the unstable power form the Naquadria reactor. The generator is modular in design that can be ejected in emergency cases. Other power sources do not produce enough power for the drive.(1) A Goa'uld hyperdrive can be replace our hyperdrive but the only ship which with a hyperdrive small enough and powerful enough for the x303 is the Al'Kesh. However, since the Al'Kesh hyperdrive was designed for a ship 1/10 the size it is limited in speed and has to cool down after prolonged use. (611-Prometheus, 620-Memento, 713-Grace, 709-Avenger 2.0)The Prometheus now has Asgard designed engines a gift for helping them with the Replicators. It is unknown the range of the engines but since they are Asgard designed they should be Intergalactic speeds. But do to our power limitations we might be limited to high intragalactice speeds.

                Unidirectional Force System (?) - This system is used in the Death Glider and other Goa'uld ships. It is unknown what make this drive system works. However, we know that we can't fit our version of this system in the X302 since we have human drive systems there. Ships with this drive system do not have large exhaust nozzles. (2) (601-Redemption Part 1)

                Sub-Light Drive (?) - The second drive system of the X303, it allows the acceleration of to speeds near light speed (c). But due to the relativistic effects of near light speeds, travel speeds are limited to .25 to .5 c. it is unknown what type of technology is used in this drive system. Chemical burning systems are out of the question, the X303 does not carry large amounts of solid/liquid fuel, and rockets do not reach the speeds reported. At high sub-slight speeds, particles impacting the hull will cause lots of damage so a shielding or deflection device is needed. In addition, inertia dampeners would have to be used to accelerate very fast without killing the crew or tearing apart the ship. The drive system is similar to the Al'Kesh system, but we don't know what the Al'Kesh uses. There are two possibilities, the Ion drive system, and the Impulse drive system. (611-Prometheus)

                In an Ion drive system a constant stream of ions are released accelerating the craft, this drive system still needs a propellant of some kind probably some kind of gas like xenon or hydrogen. Our current Ion drive systems do not provide enough thrust to use on a ship like the X303. However, we have and Al’Kesh and Hebridan drive to study. (618-Forsaken, 709-Avenger 2.0, 708-Space Race)

                The Impulse drive system uses the controlled reaction (explosion) of (fusion, fission, matter/anti-matter) to push the ship. A continuous series of close reactions are need for constant acceleration. A human model of this drive has not been built but research is still being done.

                Deceleration/Maneuvering/Directional thrusters (?) - A part of the sub-light drive system. From what we know, it does not seem to be based upon chemical rockets or a propellant system. It is probably based upon the Unidirectional Force System of the death gliders/pyramid ship, which allows them to move with out jet engines or rockets in space. Although in Unnatural Selection the thrusters were fired indication some kind of propellant system, but this could be just a standard phrases used to indicate the thruster are used. (612-Unnatural Selection)

                Vertical Lift Drive (Anti-Gravity System) (?) - Another sub-light system that allows the ship to move vertically to take off or to hover above a location.

                Inertial Dampeners - This subsystem of the drive systems helps lessen the effect of accelerating high mass and accelerating quickly. This system does not create a force to move but removes inertia from the ship. The system removes about ~80% of the inertia of a ship at maximum setting. At low accelerating the dampeners, do not need to be set on high only for high acceleration. This would make the g-forces feel like a fast elevator ride. (611-Prometheus, 612-Unnatural Selection, 703-Fragile Balance)

                Drive Control System (0) - The drive systems can be controlled from the main bridge controls or the engine room.

                Landing-Struts - used in ground landing, this gives the ship the ability for not only space assault but close ground assaults as well. (612-Unnatural Selection)


                Last edited by donnie_darko; 23 September 2004, 06:51 PM.Reason: spelling

                "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                • donnie_darko

                  Chief Master Sergeant

                  • May 2004
                  • 200


                    Weapons The complete guide to the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus GateWorld Forum (5)?)
                    Missile (?) - The X303 carries a number of missiles for offensive and defensive means. Since this ship was designed by the United States Air force, standard missiles and armaments are available for ship use. They would have to be augmented to be used in space, with different warheads and with anti-Goa'uld systems.

                    There would be long range missiles used in orbit to bombard planets or to hit targets at a long distance, short range missiles meant to be used against ships or ground forces. Depending on the force needed a standard warhead or Naquadria/Naquadah enhanced can be used. They can be equipped with shield frequency modulator to penetrate shields of ships. The X303 has six rear and four front missile tubes. This gives it excellent front and backfiring arcs. (611-Prometheus, 713-Grace)

                    Point Defense Weapons (?) - These weapons are primarily used as defensive means. The X303 carries Anti-Aircraft guns for close range defense and to target ground targets. It is unknown what type of weapon is used in this system could be a standard AA gun, a rail gun design or even energy based weapons. Tracers are frequently used to track weapons fire. Most are mounted on turrets to give it wide firing arcs and the ability to track targets. (722-The Lost City Part 2)

                    Energy Weapon (?) - The X303 is equipped with weapons based on Asgard and Goa'uld designs. They are most likely bolt type weapons of plasma or other charged particles.

                    Jamming Weapon (?) - A Goa'uld system jamming that can block the control signal used by most Goa'uld control devices. (715-Chimera)

                    Shields (?) - The shields on the X303 are based on Asgard designs and are made to withstand Goa'uld weapons. In order for the shields to be effective, they need to be kept constantly charged. The shields are also responsible to keep the ship together, and to deflect particles at high sub-slight speeds. Also, the effectiveness of shield in an atmosphere is less than in space. (722-The Lost City Part 2)

                    Sensors - the sensor array of the X303 can scan a wide range of frequencies, energies and distortions from visual, radio, subspace and gravity. (The range is unknown)

                    Communication - the communications systems can transmit and receive on multiple frequencies, it is unknown if it has sub-space capabilities. (But if it did then it would not have been so easily lost)

                    Ring-transport - A direct lift of technology from the Goa'uld/Ancients, one of the completly alien systems on the X303. It allows the transport of matter from one location to another set of rings, the rings are also mobile so the can travel from ship to surface.

                    Asgard transport beam - A gift from the Asgard for helping them with their Replicators problem. This transport system can take you from any location to the ship with out any other device, you still need to go to the ship to transport to another location.

                    Last edited by donnie_darko; 23 September 2004, 06:47 PM.

                    "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                    of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                    Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                    because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                    of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                    another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                    -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                    • donnie_darko

                      Chief Master Sergeant

                      • May 2004
                      • 200


                        Life Support The complete guide to the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus GateWorld Forum (7)?) (I'm, thinking that a ship like a submarine rather than a battle ship would be a model for the life support needs of a spaceship)
                        Atmosphere - the ship needs to be able to maintain minimal levels to keep the crew alive. A mixed atmosphere is used rather than pure oxygen.
                        Pressure control - normal sea level pressure.
                        Temperature control - temperature of 70 - 80 F.
                        Recycler - filters out the CO2 and other gasses from the air.
                        Circulator - keeps the air from becoming stale and moves the air around the ship.

                        Hull/Structure support - The hull, frame, and bulkheads of the X303 are made of a Trinium alloys. The entire ship has access tubes and junctions for all ship systems. There are several decks (number unknown) and compartments of the ship, the rear drive, forward, command and engineering, sections as well as cargo bays and launch bays for X302s fighters and large enough for a cargo ship. Decks and compartments can be individually pressurized. (713-Grace) There are heat/radiation/impact absorbent and insulation layers that make up the outer hull. There must also be some heavily armored areas of the ship for important systems.

                        Refrigeration systems - keeps the food stores fresh

                        Water/Waste Recycler - recycles the water/waste used by the crew, bathrooms (should they be uni-sex ?), etc.

                        Gravity - this provides gravity for the ship, but the ship is designed for non-gravity use in case of complete loss of gravity. The halls have hand holds and the chairs have seat belts.


                        Last edited by donnie_darko; 24 August 2004, 02:52 AM.

                        "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                        of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                        Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                        because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                        of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                        another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                        -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                        • donnie_darko

                          Chief Master Sergeant

                          • May 2004
                          • 200


                            Computer/Control systems: Most systems on the X303 are a combination of chips and wirers and crystal technology. It is only recently that we have been able to combine the two to work together. Since the ship was build with as little alien tech as possible (ring transport, shields, some weapons not included) we must have a stable supply of crystals or can make them ourselves. It is apparent to me that the crystal technology is a form of quantum storage/processing being able to move and manipulate energy very fast. (611-Prometheus, 713-Grace)


                            "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                            of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                            Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                            because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                            of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                            another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                            -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                            • donnie_darko

                              Chief Master Sergeant

                              • May 2004
                              • 200



                                X302 - The X302 is a fighter interceptor made to take on ships like the bomber, cargo and death gliders (with special weapons it can disable/destroy mother ships with shield frequency modulator Naquadah enhanced missiles (AIM-120) and micro-jumps(small hyper-space jumps) through the shield)(701-Fallen, 412-Tangent). This ship was a test for many of the systems used in the x303, like the Hyperdrive, Inertial Dampeners, Control Crystals, Anti-gravity, etc. It has four engines jet, high altitudes, rockets and the Hyperdrive (limited to short bursts). The inertial dampeners lessen the effects of high accelerations, and G-forces making it the fastest and most maneuverable ship build to date. It is also air and space flight capable. The ship in the short run will out performs the Goa’uld death glider in speed and maneuverability but due to the solid/liquid fuel used in the engines in the long run a Goa'uld death glider would win. I it is like other modern fighters it can refuel in the air. The weapons of the X302 also have a longer range and are more accurate than their Goa'uld counterparts are but the X302 does not have energy weapons yet so the fighter is limited in how much time it can fire rockets and guns. (Feldger needs to stop daydreaming about Carter, get his ass into gear, and make that plasma weapon work!) The prototype was designed and made at Area 51 completely backward engineered from Goa'uld technology, we currently have ~20 (I tried to count all of them from the 722-The Lost City Part 2 but could not, and how many in a fleet of ships according to the Air force?)

                                Naquadah - First discovered in the analyst of the Stargate, the mineral substance is capable of high-energy reactions greater than Plutonium or Uranium. It does not emit high levels of radiation in its normal state and is not normally toxic. There are several forms of the substance raw, liquid, refined, and weapons grade. There is also a heavy version of the mineral, which might be a stable isotope form (see Naquadria). The mineral is capable of bonding to biological molecules facilitating the use of most Goa'uld technology, in fact the Goa'uld have it in their blood. We have several mining operations that supply or need of ore and processing.

                                Naquadria - variant of Naquadah should not be mistaken for heavy Naquadah, it is a much heavier and much more unstable isotope. During an accidental explosion, the sub-atomic particles released caused a chain reaction with the Naquadah depots in the ground and converted it into more Naquadria. The only planet where it is found is Langara. At first the deposits created in the first explosion was completely mined but due to the first test and use of the Naquadria bomb more deposits have formed (714-Fall Out).

                                Steps to make Naquadria:
                                1: Find large Naquadah deposits. (Or build underground bunkers and fill them with Naquadah)
                                2: Set off a small Naquadria bomb over the area. (Make sure you don't blow up the planet or set off the Naquadah in the ground)
                                3: Wait a few years for the deposits to change.
                                4: Mine the deposits.

                                Trinium - 100X stronger and lighter than steel, first found by Captain Conner and SG-11 on the PX4807 (213-Spirits), it is used in the construction of all advance space crafts and weapons systems.(611-Prometheus,509-Between Two Fires, 401-Small Victories) The SGC have several mining operation that supply our need of ore and processing.(509-Between Two Fires)

                                (###-Title) Season/Ep. - Title
                                (S) Not sure if there are one or many, more likely more than one
                                (?) Means that not much info on the subject lots of guess work here.
                                (0) Crystal technology and human technology to interface the control systems and systems.
                                (1) Most systems on the X303 can be powered by the auxiliary power systems except energy weapons, shields, and Hyperdrive. Remember that the more power you try to draw from the Naquadria reactor the more unstable, so you would want to keep power demand low on the system. That is why we have a secondary power system although for full use of all systems at the same time the Naquadria reactor will have to be used.
                                (2)The Goa'uld glider, cargo, and pyramid ships have no large exhaust nozzles only the midrange bomber.


                                Last edited by donnie_darko; 25 August 2004, 09:38 AM.

                                "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                                of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                                Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                                because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                                of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                                another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                                -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                                • Mio


                                  • Apr 2004
                                  • 2795


                                    It's the first Sci-Fi space ship I've ever seen with seatbelts....



                                    • donnie_darko

                                      Chief Master Sergeant

                                      • May 2004
                                      • 200


                                        The show has made many comments on how advance races tend not to have simple but expected devices. Many times Jack would ask where the extra chairs were or seatbelts. Even we fall prey to this with our own ship the X303, we don't carry extra parts for the buffer, the most important part on the ship, in case of break down. But it is expected of us we are not as advance as other alien races but I expect more from other so called advance races.

                                        "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                                        of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                                        Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                                        because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                                        of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                                        another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                                        -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                                        • Mio


                                          • Apr 2004
                                          • 2795


                                            Originally posted by donnie_darko

                                            The show has made many comments on how advance races tend not to have simple but expected devices. Many times Jack would ask where the extra chairs were or seatbelts. Even we fall prey to this with our own ship the X303, we don't carry extra parts for the buffer, the most important part on the ship, in case of break down. But it is expected of us we are not as advance as other alien races but I expect more from other so called advance races.

                                            We weren't supposed to drive the ship through...what was it? A collapsing star?



                                            • donnie_darko

                                              Chief Master Sergeant

                                              • May 2004
                                              • 200


                                                We drove through the gravity waves of an collapsing star. This is understandable since we don't have a complete map of the galaxy for safe hyperspace travel. Once we maped out the areas of safe travel away from black holes, collapsing stars, stange gas clouds and evil aliens we won't make the same mistake again.

                                                Last edited by donnie_darko; 24 August 2004, 12:16 PM.

                                                "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                                                of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                                                Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                                                because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                                                of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                                                another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                                                -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                                                • UltraMarioMan

                                                  Second Lieutenant

                                                  • Jul 2004
                                                  • 265


                                                    I've always wondered how would the Prometheus fair in a one on one fight with a Goa'uld Mothership.

                                                    I am Zim, Irken Invader Zim. I am responsible for the safe obliteration of the human race, not you!' - Zim - Invader Zim
                                                    'Don't worry, officer. You are in a filthy Earth brain hospital. Your feelings are normal. There's a squid brain in your head! ' - Zim - Invader Zim
                                                    'Now, to unleash screaming temporal doom! ' - Zim -Invader Zim


                                                    • donnie_darko

                                                      Chief Master Sergeant

                                                      • May 2004
                                                      • 200


                                                        Prometheus VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship
                                                        Winner Prometheus
                                                        *****I am using a final version of the BC-303, full hyperdrive, shield and weapons capabilities. This includes the addition of energy weapons and full power from the reactors.******

                                                        In a one on one fight with a Ha’Tak ship, the Prometheus wins easily. As we seen, an attack from a distance of slow moving missiles is not effective; the other ship has time to take out our missiles. Therefore, we will be using our own energy weapons and Asgard weapons at close range. The energy weapons being developed are based on Goa'uld designs so they would be on par weapons wise. However, due to our superior shields and the Asgard weapons we would last longer with out major damage

                                                        Prometheus VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders
                                                        Winner Prometheus
                                                        Same stats. As above, the battle will take more time because of more targets our missile defense would take out most of the gliders before they come into range. We would have light damage.

                                                        Prometheus VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders + Al'Kesh support
                                                        Winner Prometheus
                                                        Same as above, the Prometheus would have heavy damage.

                                                        Prometheus VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders + Al'Kesh support + Command Ship
                                                        Winner Goa'uld, major damage to support ships and destruction of most gliders
                                                        Some damage to the Ha'Tak, no damage to Command ship
                                                        Same stats. However, due to the extra fire power from the Command Ship we would be taken out by sheer force.

                                                        Prometheus + 8 X302 VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship
                                                        Winner Prometheus, no damage

                                                        Prometheus + 8 X302 VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders
                                                        Winner Prometheus, light damage

                                                        Prometheus + 8 X302 VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders + Al'Kesh support
                                                        Winner Prometheus, light damage, loss of fighters

                                                        Prometheus + 8 X302 VS Ha'Tak pyramid ship + Death gliders + Al'Kesh support + Command Ship
                                                        *Winner Prometheus, major damage or destruction of ship due to suicide run loss of all fighters
                                                        *Winner Goa'uld, loss or damage to all glider squads and major damage to Al'Kesh and Ha'Tak light damage to Command Ship.

                                                        This is just a quick study of possible situations. Some may be too positive or completely off the mark.

                                                        "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                                                        of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                                                        Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                                                        because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                                                        of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                                                        another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                                                        -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                                                        • DownFallAngel


                                                          • May 2004
                                                          • 2884


                                                            Wow. Thats a really nice big chunk of info there.

                                                            But I still want to know one thing. Why did they change from the X-303 to the BC303?

                                                            The complete guide to the X-303/BC-303/Prometheus GateWorld Forum (17)
                                                            I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                                                            [Revelations 22:13]


                                                            • aAnubiSs

                                                              Lieutenant Colonel

                                                              • May 2004
                                                              • 4297




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                                                                Article information

                                                                Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

                                                                Last Updated:

                                                                Views: 6376

                                                                Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

                                                                Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

                                                                Author information

                                                                Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

                                                                Birthday: 1993-08-23

                                                                Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

                                                                Phone: +9958996486049

                                                                Job: Sales Manager

                                                                Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

                                                                Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.