Potion Craft: How To Make Stronger Potions (2025)

Simulation games have always been popular, and cover a wide range of genres from animal husbandry to raising zebras. Potion Craft is a game that simulates the ancient art of Alchemy, and as the local Apothecary, it's the player's job to meet the demands of the local population.

As the story chapters progress and more discerning customers visit the shop, they'll ask for stronger potions. There are different grades of potions, and the Strong potions are the most potent and the most expensive. It's not even a matter of having special ingredients, but rather of knowing how to handle the mortar and pestle.

The Power of Potions

Potion Craft: How To Make Stronger Potions (1)

Once the Alchemy Machine is up and running, the player can buy more expensive and rare ingredients that can be used to explore the far reaches of the Alchemy Map, make Legendary potions, and eventually create the Philosopher's Stone.

The potions in Potion Craft come in three different levels of potency. These will appear on the Alchemy Map as Roman numerals. Just touching the recipe bottle makes a weak potion, but covering the recipe bottle completely with the potion bottle icon makes a strong one. The closer the player can match the potion bottle icon with the recipe bottle image on the map, the stronger the potion will be.

  • Tier I. These are "weak" potions, and are the lowest possible level of strength. If a customer asks for a Strong potion, they'll buy a Weak one instead, but they will pay much less for it.
  • Tier II. Potions on this tier are neither referred to as Strong nor Weak, but instead are referred to just by their description, without modifiers. For example, Healing Potion, as opposed to Weak Healing Potion or Strong Healing Potion.
  • Tier III. The Strong potions are the highest tier that the Alchemist can make, and are the most potent.

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The Alchemy Map

Potion Craft: How To Make Stronger Potions (2)

There are several tools that Alchemists use to make their potions stronger, but the most important tool in this process is the Alchemy Map. Once a recipe is discovered, players can move the potion bottle to that point on the map to make a potion.

Make a path for the alchemy bottle by using the various herbs in the inventory. Other alchemical ingredients and regents that can move the bottle include precious stones, using the Ladle, and precious salts made with the Alchemy Machine.

The Ladle is the small bowl with a spout to the left of the caulrdon. At any point in the brewing process, it can be used to add water and move the potion bottle back towards the starting point at the center of the Alchemy Map. It will move the potion and any remaining pathway the Alchemist has already mapped out.

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How To Make Stronger Potions

Potion Craft: How To Make Stronger Potions (3)

A player can make a stronger potion in one of two ways: by starting with a new recipe, or using another for the basis of a potion. It is possible to make the same kind of potion using different ingredients.

Making stronger potions is a matter of matching up the potion bottle with the recipe bottle on the map perfectly. The game makes this difficult on purpose, as this is only something experienced Alchemists can do. Given that the potion bottle's movements are limited to what herbs are available, maneuvering the bottle into the right position isn't easy.

Every time the player moves their mouse or cursor over a regent, it shows what direction it will take the potion bottle on the map. Make sure there are adequate regents for the planned concoction.

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Starting A New Recipe

  • Find The Recipe On The Map. Decide which recipe to brew and locate it on the map.
  • Move The Potion Bottle. Use the ingredients in the inventory to move the potion bottle to the recipe bottle on the map.
  • Stir With Care. Stir the cauldron slowly to perfectly match up the potion bottle with the recipe bottle.
  • Wait For It. Be patient and don't use the Bellows until a "III" icon appears on the potion bottle.
  • Don't Forget The Ladle. Make minor adjustments to the path of the potion bottle using the Ladle. Like the stirring process, be careful of the speed.

Starting from a saved recipe is only possible if the regents and herbs used to make that recipe are in the inventory. It's also possible to brew a Strong potion when starting with a potion of normal or Weak potency; however, this will create a potion with more than one effect.

Starting From A Saved Recipe

  • Open The Recipe Book. The Recipe Book is always located on the inventory portion on the screen on the right. It's available from any screen.
  • Choose The Recipe. Every saved Recipe has a tab and a name. It's also possible to create, name, and save custom-made creations.
  • Find The Second Recipe. Find the second recipe. Avoid mixing contrary effects, like healing and poison.
  • Move The Potion Bottle. Use the ingredients to move the potion bottle to the recipe bottle. Remember to stir and pour carefully, and use the Ladle if needed.

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Potion Craft: How To Make Stronger Potions (2025)


How to make potions stronger in Potion Craft? ›

A player can make a stronger potion in one of two ways: by starting with a new recipe, or using another for the basis of a potion. It is possible to make the same kind of potion using different ingredients. Making stronger potions is a matter of matching up the potion bottle with the recipe bottle on the map perfectly.

What makes potions more powerful? ›

Brewing redstone with a potion will cause that potion's duration to be extended; whereas brewing glowstone with one will cause it to become stronger (a healing potion will heal more, for example).

How do you get higher tier potions in Potion Craft? ›

The tier of a Potion is determined by the alignment of the potion itself with the symbol of the effect on the Alchemy Map. The better aligned the outlines are, the higher the tier of the Potion. The higher the tier of the Potion, the more gold you can ask for it.

How do you intensify potions? ›

Brewing glowstone dust into certain potions will enhance their level of effect. Adding redstone will extend the duration of the effect. Brewing gunpowder into a potion makes it into a splash potion (area effect).

How do you make extreme strength potions? ›

An extreme strength potion is a combat potion which can be made at level 89 Herblore. When a player drinks the potion, they will get a Strength boost of 3 + 15% of their level, rounded down, for a maximum boost of 17 at level 94 Strength. It is made from a 3-dose super strength potion and a clean dwarf weed.

How do you make a super strength potion? ›

Super strength potions are made by mixing clean kwuarm and then a limpwurt root in a vial of water, giving 125 Herblore experience. It requires level 55 Herblore to make. Super strength potions temporarily raise the Strength level by 2 + 12% (rounded down).

What does glowstone do to potions? ›

Each glowstone block now drops 2-4 glowstone dust when broken. Glowstone dust can now be brewed in a water bottle to create a thick potion. Glowstone dust now strengthens the potions of Swiftness, Healing, Harming, Poison, Regeneration and Strength. Glowstone dust now strengthens the new potion of Regeneration.

What is the most powerful potion? ›

Amortentia was the most powerful love potion in existence. It was considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. As stated, it was dangerous to underestimate a powerful infatuation.

How do you make a potion of healing stronger? ›

You can make an even stronger health potion by adding one ingredient to your Instant Health potion: Open the brewing menu and add your Potion of Healing (Instant Health 1) into one of the bottom boxes. Add the Glowstone Dust to the top box in the brewing menu.

How to make a potion with 2 effects in Potion Craft? ›

Complete the path to the Frost Potion by combining two Waterbloom in the cauldron and the mortal/pestle, then add the ingredients for the healing potion by putting one Waterbloom and one Terraria through the cauldron and mortar. Crafting this combination will give players a potion with 2 effects in Potion Craft.

Does the order of potions matter in Potion Craft? ›

Please note that it does not matter which order the effects are in, e.g. potion with Acid III and Poison II is the same as Poison II and Acid III. This goes for every other recipe for the alchemy machine.

Which potion increases XP? ›

The Experience Potion is a BUFF Potion that temporarily increases the amount of experience orbs a player gains.

How do you increase potion potency? ›

Complete The Root of the Problem

Upon opening the main quest After the Storm, the side quest The Root of the Problem becomes available at The Hideaway. Talk to Nigel the Head Botanist to get this quest. When finishing this quest, the player will receive the Morganbeard Extract to increase potency.

How do you make the strongest enchanting potion? ›

Ancestor Moth Wing + Blue Butterfly Wing + Chaurus Hunter Antennae. These three ingredients each have the same four effects. Thus, combining any two of these ingredients creates a highly valuable brew with the effects Damage Stamina, Fortify Conjuration, Damage Magicka Regen, and Fortify Enchanting.

How do you make a strong frost potion in Potion Craft? ›

The recipe for a Strong Potion of Frost uses the same ingredients, requiring that all three waterblooms are fully ground and some use of the ladle to dilute the potion afterwards. This recipe uses 1 Terraria and 3 Waterblooms.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.