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One of 12,440 issues in Brenham Banner-Press (Brenham, Tex.) 1926-1976
1962-10-23 1962-10-25
Showing 1-4 of 12 pages in this issue.
Daily newspaper from Brenham, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Physical Description
twelve pages : ill. ; page 21 x 16 in. Digitized from 35 mm. microfilm.
Creation Information
Blanton, Ben F. October 24, 1962.
This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Brenham Weekly Banner and was provided by the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. More information about this issue can be viewed below.
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People and organizations associated with either the creation of this newspaper or its content.
- Blanton, Ben F.
- Ben F. Blanton
Place of Publication: Brenham, Texas
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Provided By
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library
The Brenham Public Library was founded in 1901. Later renamed the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, the facilities have undergone multiple expansions--culminating in a new building in 2016. The library is an essential component of this community with a long history of service that reflects its value as a community builder, a community center for diverse populations, and a champion of youth.
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Descriptive information to help identify this newspaper. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Portal.
- Main Title: Brenham Banner-Press (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 97, No. 211, Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 24, 1962
- Serial Title: Brenham Banner-Press
Daily newspaper from Brenham, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Physical Description
twelve pages : ill. ; page 21 x 16 in.
Digitized from 35 mm. microfilm.
Published every afternoon except Saturday and Sunday.
Includes two sections.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Brenham (Tex.) -- Newspapers.
- Washington County (Tex.) -- Newspapers.
University of North Texas Libraries Browse Structure
- Business, Economics and Finance - Advertising
- Business, Economics and Finance - Communications - Newspapers
- Business, Economics and Finance - Journalism
- English
Item Type
- Newspaper
Unique identifying numbers for this issue in the Portal or other systems.
- Library of Congress Control Number: sn86089490
- OCLC: 14351524
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metapth1555897
Publication Information
- Volume: 97
- Issue: 211
- Edition: 1
This issue is part of the following collections of related materials.
Brenham Weekly Banner
Created as an anti-Reconstruction newspaper by Confederate Army veteran John G. Rankin, the Brenham Weekly Banner was published for 30. Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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Ladd & Katherine Hancher Library Foundation
The Ladd and Katherine Hancher Library Foundation supports public libraries in Texas that serve populations of 50,000 and under.
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Texas Digital Newspaper Program
The Texas Digital Newspaper Program (TDNP) partners with communities, publishers, and institutions to promote standards-based digitization of Texas newspapers and to make them freely accessible.
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Digital Files
- 12 image files available in multiple sizes
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Dates and time periods associated with this newspaper.
Creation Date
- October 24, 1962
Covered Time Period
- Into Modern Times, 1939-Present
Added to The Portal to Texas History
- April 17, 2023, 10:43 a.m.
Usage Statistics
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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 0
Total Uses: 5
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Geographical information about where this newspaper originated or about its content.
Place Name
- United States - Texas - Washington County - Brenham
Publication Place
Brenham, Texas (Ben F. Blanton)
Map Information
Place Name coordinates. (May be approximate.)
- Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.
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- ERC Record: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/?
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- IIIF Manifest: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/manifest/
Metadata Formats
- UNTL Format: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/metadata.untl.xml
- DC RDF: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/metadata.dc.rdf
- DC XML: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/metadata.dc.xml
- METS: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/metadata.mets.xml
- OpenSearch Document: /ark:/67531/metapth1555897/opensearch.xml
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- Usage Stats: /stats/stats.json?ark=ark:/67531/metapth1555897
Blanton, Ben F.Brenham Banner-Press (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 97, No. 211, Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 24, 1962,newspaper, October 24, 1962; Brenham, Texas. ( October 10, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library.